Frequently Asked Questions



Where are you located?

Our office is located in West LA:

1849 Sawtelle Blvd, Suite 510, Los Angeles, CA 90025


Where can I park?

There are several options for parking. There are both free street spaces and metered spaces available in the streets surrounding the building.  A parking garage is also available under my building; however, parking in the garage is not validated.


How does the start of the process work?

Step 1. Use the contact form to submit your information or email directly at:

Step 2. A therapist on my team will respond by email to coordinate a 10-15 minute phone consultation to explore what sort of support you’re searching for and answer any questions.

Step 3. If it feels like the right fit on both sides, an initial session will be scheduled to formally begin the process.

Is your building disability & baby stroller accessible?

Yes! Elevators are conveniently located in the garage, lobby, and each floor.


What’s your fee?

Our session rates vary, depending on service, session time, and therapist.


Do you accept insurance?

Our practice is considered “out-of-network.” At the end of each month, we provide you with a “superbill” statement, which you can submit to your insurance for potential reimbursement. We recommend calling your insurance to determine out-of-network coverage, as each insurance policy can be different.


What's your availability?

Please call or email to inquire about availability.


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